
Published article: Understanding the hydrogeomorphology of the Tigre River (Peru)

Published article: Understanding the hydrogeomorphology of the Tigre River (Peru)

Cover figure: Bed morphology in the Tigre River, Peru. Figure from Abad et al. (2023) In our publication, “Hydrogeomorphology of Asymmetric Meandering Channels: Experiments and Field Evidence”, we described the three-dimensionality of the water flow and the bed morphology pattern of the Tigre River, very close to its confluence with the Marañon River, Peru. In […]

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Published article: Modeling neck cutoff in the Ucayali River (Peru)

Published article: Modeling neck cutoff in the Ucayali River (Peru)

Cover figure: Extracted from Li et al. (2023) In our recent publication, “High-resolution modeling of meander neck cutoffs: laboratory and field scales”, we presented a morphodynamic model capable of simulating neck cutoffs for laboratory and large river systems. The model was applied to the neck cutoff (near Huáscar, Holland, and Cashiboya towns) along the Ucayali […]

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Neck cutoffs may affect the town of Jenaro Herrera in the Ucayali River (Peru)

Neck cutoffs may affect the town of Jenaro Herrera in the Ucayali River (Peru)

Cover figure: Potential neck cutoff mechanisms for the Ucayali River near Jenaro Herrera town. Figure from Abad et al. (2022) In our publication, “Planform Dynamics and Cut-Off Processes in the Lower Ucayali River, Peruvian Amazon”, we describe two potential mechanisms for the occurrence of neck cutoffs near the town of Jenaro Herrera in the Ucayali […]

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New Publication: How infrastructure projects fail to deliver river understanding, here the example of the Peruvian Amazon Waterway

New Publication: How infrastructure projects fail to deliver river understanding, here the example of the Peruvian Amazon Waterway

Several river-related engineering projects lack a comprehensive view to understand a river’s spatial and temporal dynamics. One of these projects is the Amazon Waterway (Hidrovía Amazónica in Spanish) which sought to strengthen commercial transport between Brazil and Peru using four rivers: Amazon, Ucayali, Marañón, and Huallaga. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Environmental Impact […]

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New Publication: How relevant are the ancient and modern river dynamics for fish ecology?

New Publication: How relevant are the ancient and modern river dynamics for fish ecology?

In our recent publication, “Free and underfit-scavenger river dynamics dominate the large Amazonian Pacaya-Samiria wetland structure”, we explore the ancient and modern river geomorphology of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, the second largest protected area in Peru.  By combining remote sensing techniques and statistical analysis, this study examines the hydrogeomorphology of the Peruvian tropical wetland […]

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Curso Virtual de Especialización: Modelamiento hidrodinámico, transporte de sedimentos y morfología de fondo para ríos (2022-2)

Curso Virtual de Especialización: Modelamiento hidrodinámico, transporte de sedimentos y morfología de fondo para ríos (2022-2)

Dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales con experiencia o interés en el área de hidráulica y modelamiento numérico. El curso discutirá los conceptos teóricos necesarios para la apropiada aplicación de modelos computacionales en proyectos ingenieriles relacionados a ríos. Objetivos del curso Discutir los conceptos teóricos necesarios para la apropiada aplicación de modelos computacionales en proyectos ingenieriles […]

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