
Training Courses

RED YAKU routinely continuum education throughout provides training courses (both online and presential) available worldwide to students, professionals, and public audiences interested in water research, and environmental and Earth surface processes (both research and engineering applications). Our catalog of training courses includes:

  • 1D-modeling: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (HEC) River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
  • 2D-modeling: TELEMAC-MASCARET and Delft3D
  • 3D-modeling: OpenFOAM
  • Remote sensing applications: flood and inundation mapping, land cover changes, and elaboration of thematic maps using open-source GIS tools.

Additionally, we can provide a course to meet your organization’s specific needs by working with you to customize the content, duration, location, and cost of any of our courses. Most of our courses can be taught in both English and Spanish.

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Training Courses