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Jorge Abad, PhD

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Research areas: Fluvial Geomorphology, Hydraulics, Sedimentology, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Water Resources

Dr. Abad is a civil engineer with 20 years of experience in hydraulic engineering with an emphasis on eco-hydraulics, hydro-geomorphology, computation fluid dynamics, hazard mapping, and sediment transport and mixing processes. He has an extensive experience in the application of highly-resolved numerical hydrogeomorphic models for river and environmental processes and restoration of aquatic systems. Dr. Abad has participated in engineering projects in USA, Peru, Brazil, and Argentina. Dr. Abad is also the author and co-author of 3 book chapters, more than 42 publications in indexed international journals, and more than 80 conference articles. Dr. Abad has also developed several workshops for river modeling around the world. Dr. Abad received the 2012 Lorenz Straub Prize from St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (University of Minnesota), and the distinction of "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo Gomero 2018" Award by the Concytec (Peruvian National Science Foundation) for his contributions to science, such as those in the Andean-Amazonian River system. Dr. Abad has conducted numerous research and consultancy projects to develop monitoring protocols for Andean and Amazonian rivers, characterize river morphodynamics, from planform dynamics to bedform dynamics, and the development of engineering tools (e.g., RVR Meander, mSTAT, Bedform-ATM) for river geomorphic characterization. Dr. Abad’s experience includes also coordinating extensive field measurements along small- (creeks), medium- (e.g. Wabash River, Illinois), and large- (e.g. Amazon River) size rivers around the world, where hydrodynamics (using ADCP), sediment transport (suspended and bed load), bed morphodynamics (using single- and multi-beam echo sounders), and bank morphodynamics (using GPS RTK and Lidar instrumentation) processes were described in USA, Peru, and Brazil.

Lucas Dominguez, PhD

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Research areas: Fluvial Hydraulics, River Mechanics and Morphodynamics, Acoustic Techniques for Field Measurement of Fluid Dynamics and Sediment Transport

Dr. Dominguez is a specialist in Fluvial Hydraulics. His research fields involve the development of computational tools for the characterization of fluvial systems. She has expertise in topics related to the estimation of suspended sand concentrations through acoustic techniques, treatment, and post-processing of satellite images for the description of fluvial patterns and hydro-sedimentological mathematical modeling. Dr. Dominguez's expertise also covers different fluvial environments such as natural channels, estuaries, and deltas Dr. Dominguez has been the main author of the mStat tool, applied to characterize meandering rivers.

Naziano Filizola, PhD

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Research areas: Hydrology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Sedimentology

Dr. Filizola is the leader of the Hidrossistemas e o Homem na Amazônia (H2A / UFAM) research group. He also collaborates as a professor in the Graduate Program in Climate and Environment of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (CLIAMB / INPA). Dr. Filizola has worked mainly on projects on Fluvial Dynamics Geomorphology and Water Resources Management in the Amazon since the 1990s. He has published more than 100 technical and scientific articles and is a member of the Technical Committee of the Amazon Fund, the Scientific Committee of the Government Program for International Cooperation LBA, and the coordination of the Geodynamics and Hydrology Observatory of the Amazon Basin (HYBAM). He is also a member of the State Council of Water Resources of Amazonas and the Management Council of the Anavilhanas National Park in Rio Negro-AM. He served as an International and Inter-institutional Relations Advisor at UFAM (2013 to 2017), as an Advisor to the Board of the National Water Agency (ANA-Brazil) and to the Hydrology Commission of the World Meteorological Organization, as well as a member of the management group of the national hydrometric network (1993 to 2005).

Edgardo Latrubesse, PhD

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Research areas: Tropical and Fluvial Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Applied Geology, Environmental Geotecnia

Dr. Latrubesse has been, for two decades, Director of the Large Rivers and Global Change International Research Program, which has focused on the hydrogeomorphological and environmental study of large rivers across the world. He has also been the leader of the IGCP Unesco 281 “Tropical Rivers” program and is currently the coordinator of the working group “Tropical Rivers Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists-IAG”. For three decades the most important focus of his study has been the great rivers of the Amazon basin. He has also been a geoenvironmental consultant for the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Environment Program, the Organization of American States, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Geologic Service of Brazil (CPRM), the Ministry of the Environment-IBAMA-Brazil, the Federal Judiciary of Brazil, PETROBRAS, Socio-Economic and Ecological Zoning of the States of Rondonia and Mato Grosso, Zoning of the Brazil-Bolivia Border, FUNTAC, and multiple State Secretariats of Water Resources, among other institutions.

Raul Loayza-Muro, PhD

Research areas: Ecotoxicology, Biomonitoring, Water Quality Assessment, Freshwater Ecology, Stream Ecology

Dr. Loayza is Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Ecotoxicology Laboratory, Director of the Professional School of Natural and Applied Sciences and the Chair of the Professional Career of Biology of the Faculty of Sciences and Philosophy of the UPCH, and President of the Competence Center of the Water (CCA). He has been working since 2005 in high Andean aquatic ecosystems, studying the responses and adaptations of macroinvertebrate communities to environmental stress caused by UV radiation, natural and mine acid drainage, and metal contamination; in the use of bioindicators and biomarkers for the evaluation of water quality, and in water and soil remediation systems using native flora and artificial swamps. He has published articles in high-impact indexed scientific journals in ecotoxicology, aquatic ecology, and bioremediation, and is a reviewer for journals in this area. He has been a consultant to private companies (BPZ, Walsh, Pluspetrol, Ecodes-Varichem Consortium, ECSA Ingenieros, PRW Ingenieros) and public entities (Ministry of the Environment, Technological Institute of Production, Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation) in the environmental area, with emphasis on the development of ecotoxicity tests for effluents and marine and freshwater sediments, the evaluation of information on contamination of ecosystems and aquatic species, the preparation of rehabilitation plans for areas contaminated by metals and hydrocarbons, and the development of water quality assessments.

Alejandro Mendoza, PhD

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Research areas: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluvial Hydraulics, Environmental Statistics, Fluvial Geomorphology, Hydrology

Dr. Mendoza is a specialist in computational fluid dynamics and mathematical and statistical modeling applications applied to environmental flows, with extensive experience in modeling geomorphological processes in fluvial systems and river engineering applications in the USA, Mexico, Peru, and Brazil. He has been a consultant for companies in Arizona (Adaptive Technologies LLC.), New York (Stonge Associates LLC.), Mexico (Presage Research S.A. and De Crews, S.A.), and Peru in projects related to hydraulics modeling and flow dynamics. Since 2015, Dr. Mendoza has taught fluvial hydraulics and computer simulation courses with TELEMAC. He has also published in several journals of hydraulics and geomorphology, presenting his research at world conferences such as the River, Coastal, and Estuary Morphodynamics (RCEM), Latin American Congress of Hydraulics, and River Flow.

Tania Rojas, MS

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Research areas: Landscape Ecology, Freshwater Ecology, Quantitative Ecology

Civil Engineer and M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Policy from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, with experience in aquatic ecology, trophic ecology using stable isotopes, geomorphological characterization of Amazonian wetlands, environmental evaluations in high Andean and coastal wetlands, geomorphological reconstruction of channels in estuarine systems and coastal wetlands, analysis of change of use and land cover, and geomorphological characterization of the multitemporal dynamics at engineering and geological scales of rivers. She has training in population dynamics, environmental statistical analysis, river engineering, hydroinformatics, and remote sensing. She has participated in the planning and development of geomorphology projects in the Amazon, evaluation of the impacts on the ecosystem services of Peruvian coastal wetlands based on the understanding of the geomorphic characteristics and the environmental state, and management of water resources with a socio-environmental approach. She has also collaborated in the design and implementation of digital platforms for the geomorphological characterization of Amazonian rivers in Peru and in grant writing of research projects in Peru and Brazil.