Published article: Modeling neck cutoff in the Ucayali River (Peru)

Cover figure: Extracted from Li et al. (2023)

In our recent publication, “High-resolution modeling of meander neck cutoffs: laboratory and field scales”, we presented a morphodynamic model capable of simulating neck cutoffs for laboratory and large river systems. The model was applied to the neck cutoff (near Huáscar, Holland, and Cashiboya towns) along the Ucayali River, one of the most dynamic rivers on the planet.


The methodology encompasses a combination of remote sensing techniques and mathematical modeling using TELEMAC-MASCARET, with a lateral migration module developed in this article, to interpret the physical processes of the Ucayali River.

  1. Characterization of modern river dynamics: Abad et al (2022), Abad et al (2023), Valverde et al. (2024)
  2. Characterization of ancient fluvial dynamics: Rojas et al (2023)
  3. Hydrodynamic modeling of large rivers: Frias et al. (2015), Mendoza et al. (2016), Li et al. (2023)


This model can effectively reproduce cutoff dynamics in large river systems such as the Ucayali River, one of the most dynamic rivers in the world. Results show the widening of the cutoff cross-section, with the consequent formation of forced bars, adaptation of the main channel bed through upstream and downstream sediment waves, the formation of oxbow lakes, and the preservation of the resulting paleo-channel in the floodplain.


Li, Z., Mendoza, A., Abad, J.D., Endreny, T. A., Han, B., Carrisoza, E., Dominguez, R. (2023). High-resolution modeling of meander cutoffs: laboratory and field scales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11,

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